Our Team

The Rev. Don Beyers: Rector

Ordained in 2016, Don has served as a parish priest in two parishes. Prior to ordination, Don spent close to 15 years in ministry in educational and parish settings.


Don completed his university studies at St. Thomas University in St. Paul, Minnesota, with a degree in German Literature and Philosophy. Following university he went on to seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, and continued graduated studies, later receiving a Master of Arts in Systematic Theology.


After leaving seminary, Don taught theology for a few years at a Catholic high school. He later served at a large inter-city parish, the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis, with youth and young adults, promoting faith and spiritual life and community engagement. While there, Don was invited to serve as an adjunct theology faculty member at the University of St. Thomas. His work with university students led him to become an associate director of university ministries in addition to serving on the faculty. While at St. Thomas, Don advocated for greater inclusion for LGBTQ persons as well as students of other religious traditions, in particular Muslim students.


While Don was raised Catholic, his faith journey led him to the Episcopal Church while he was teaching at university. Shortly after arriving in Canada, he was received into the Anglican Communion. The rich and diverse spiritual, theological, and liturgical tradition of the church drew him to Anglican expression of Christianity.


Originally from the United States, Don immigrated to Canada over thirteen years ago and became a Canadian citizen shortly afterwards. 


Don enjoys hiking, going for long walks, running, biking, and travel and getting to know new people and cultures. An avid reader, Don enjoys reading and learning more about history, politics, science, philosophy, and theology. His love for reading and writing was further deepened while working in publishing, initially in the field of marketing and later as acquisitions editor.

You can reach Fr. Don by email or by phoning 416-536-3160 Ext. 102.

Rev. Hannah Johnston: Assistant Curate

Hannah is originally from the UK, but spent five years in New York City before moving to Canada in 2019. She was ordained as a transitional deacon in the Anglican Church of Canada in 2023. Prior to ordination Hannah spent 11 years working in church ministry as a lay person, in the UK, US, and Canada. Five of these years were spent at St. Lydia’s Dinner Church in Brooklyn, where she fell in love with the practice of worship taking place around a meal. Hannah would be delighted to talk about Dinner Church with anyone who is interested!

Hannah has a BSc(Hons) in Psychology from the University of Sussex, a BA(Hons) in Theology, Ministry and Mission from the University of Durham (St. Mellitus College), and a Masters in Divinity from the University of Toronto (Trinity College.) 

Before leaving the UK, Hannah worked for a small but diverse Anglican church on a public housing estate in London, where she was involved in interfaith community organising, working together with Jewish, Muslim, and Christian congregations on issues of social justice.

Hannah previously worked for several years in the fashion industry as a stylist/personal shopper, and also has a background working in homeless provision, with affordable housing tenants, and in welfare benefit administration. 

Hannah is committed to making church inclusive and fully affirming of LGBTQ+ people, creating fun and caring communities, empowering women, and working with people of other faiths. She loves hot weather, interesting ideas and conversations, wine, and anything with melted cheese. She has a deep and enduring passion for karaoke. She is married to Johnny and they live in Toronto with two very important cats. 

You can reach Rev. Hannah by email or by phoning 416-536-3160 Ext. 103.

Some of the people I baptized over the years, children and adults on my last Sunday before retirement!

The Rev. Dr. Stephen Drakeford: Honorary Assistant

But call me Stephen, please! And if you must, Fr. Stephen is fine (😉).

I am delighted that Fr. Don asked Bishop Andrew to appointment me as your Honorary Assistant. I am very pleased to accept this appointment to St. Anne’s.


I retired December 31st 2019 having served the Diocese of Toronto for thirty-one years as a parish priest. I particularly love congregations and the way they form and establish a kind of outpost of Jesus’ Kingdom of God in a neighbourhood. No congregation is perfect but all are an expression of the Body of Christ- I’ve seen my role as one of both forming individuals and building congregations. You may be interested in reading about my experience in my last congregation, the Church of the Epiphany and St. Mark: https://institute.wycliffecollege.ca/2019/10/how-a-dying-church-came-back-to-life/


Being a Diocesan priest is not only a focus on the congregation you serve but ministry to the wider church. For about 15 years I served the Diocese and National Church in developing and administering our misconduct policies (when I was ordained in 1990 there was no such policy in place) and developed a process of healing for congregations that had received terrible news and had a crisis to face. This was unfortunate but necessary work.


But the work I loved was developing a teaching bible for congregations as well as Wycliffe’s Lay Education program. I also enjoyed in the working with Bp. Jenny when she was Diocesan Missioner writing courses and being on the board of the Fresh Expressions Working Group. Most importantly (and where my deepest concern lay) since 2006 working as chair of Diocesan Environmental Working Group which has now morphed into the Bishop’s Committee for Creation Care (BCCC) where I now chair two subcommittees.


I retired early so that I ‘could do more things.’ Notably hang out and travel with my partner of 20 years, Jim. But along with the BCCC I am now on the board of AURA- Anglican United Refugee Alliance. With climate change comes massive human displacement and migration and our nation needs to respond to that, make room and be hospitable.


Among the ‘more things’ are my interests - gardening, cycling, literature, walking and pilgrimages, movies and theatre, and most recently yoga (who knew my 60-year-old body could bend like that!), working out, cooking and hosting, and I can’t forget all music but especially jazz.


Again, I am delighted to be with St. Anne’s and I look forward to serving Fr. Don and you in the years to come.

Mervin Fick
Director of Music

Mervin is the founding director of the Toronto Beach Chorale, the Artistic Director of the MCS Chorus of Mississauga, and conductor of the PCS Singers of Brampton and the National Award-winning Esprit Chamber Choir. Mervin is a strong proponent of arts education, Mervin presents an innovative and successful interactive arts education program for elementary school students in the Peel School Board. Integrating Canadian visual art, poetry, and music, the program showcases a song cycle inspired by Group of Seven paintings and poetry written by young people. 

A graduate of the University of Toronto Faculty of Music (MUS BAC), he has diplomas in vocal performance and vocal pedagogy from the Royal Conservatory of Music, as well as a Colleague diploma and a Certificate in Service Playing from the Royal Canadian College of Organists. 

Mervin is a wonderful vocal coach who inspires joyful singing. 

Thomas Meikle

Thomas is the videographer for St. Anne's Anglican Church. He has a college diploma from Humber College in Broadcast Television and Videography. Thomas likes to go for walks around different parts of the city, likes photographing birds, and likes to explore different coffee shops in the city.

Our Churchwardens

Shari Ellis, Rector's Warden

Frank Cormier, People's Warden

Christopher Caradonna, Deputy Rector's Warden

Peter Gorman, Deputy People's Warden


The Rev. Don Beyers

Assistant Curate:

The Rev. Hannah Johnston

Honorary Assistant:
The Rev. Dr. Stephen Drakeford

Communications Coordinator:

Jen Crawford

Trustees & Corporation Members: 

Deputy Wardens:

Treasurer & Property Manager:
David Garde

Ex-Officio Member of the Leadership Team:

Wendy Graham

Director of Music:
Mervin Fick

Thomas Meikle

Photography & Image Releases