
Sunday Worship

Sunday worship is an immersion experience. The Liturgy - a word from Greek that means "the work of the people" - is a collaborative experience presented by readers, musicians, intercessors, preachers, greeters. 

We learn the liturgy by doing the liturgy, especially by reflecting afterwards. The scriptures we read follow a 3 year schedule that touches on all the books of the Bible. This places them in your awareness for further personal study. The sermon connected the original meaning and context of the readings to our life experiences in the world today. The music picks up on themes in the readings and expresses theology in poetic form. The prayers draw our attention and focus to other needs in the world besides our own.

We hold occasional Worship Orientation sessions to help you to understand the service. One of the best ways to learn the service is to get involved in one or more of the worship team roles. 

Messy Church

Messy Church is our regular weekday gathering for children and their families. We meet weekly online and monthly in person. 

Learning at Messy Church: Our activities focus on community building with learning through games and conversation. Each session focuses on a particular theme or bible story which is shared and taught. 

Children are active in presenting the Sunday worship, especially in recording scripture readings for the worship video. We learn the reading that we are presenting.

Format for Online Messy Church

Format for Live Messy Church

As we move back to in-person gatherings, we will continue to meet weekly on Zoom and add one monthly live gathering.

Safety is our priority. We can't make firm longterm plans for the future with the virus, so we will keep in touch to invite you to special occasions.