Get Involved!

Serving at St. Anne's

Christianity teaches us that a life of service to others gets to the heart of what it's all about. There are those things you do as your personal service. We also come together. We accomplish more together. We build a sense of community and friendship, and we welcome you to serve alongside us. 

Community Dinner

On one Sunday of each month, the St. Anne’s congregation prepares, cooks and serves a Community Dinner to those in need. Volunteers begin in the early afternoon peeling vegetables and setting up tables.  They are joined by more people who assist with serving dinner and cleaning up.  We take pride in serving a meal as wonderful as the best Sunday Dinner in our own homes. 

We are aware that many organizations require volunteers to make a dedicated ongoing commitment to their events. The St. Anne's Community Dinner welcomes first time and occasional volunteers. Try it out by joining us. It's a meaningful time and the sense of accomplishment means a lot to everyone involved.

Community Dinner preparations begin a few days ahead, with packing of items, and then volunteers join us again on Sunday at 2:00 p.m. for preparing the main course. 

Truth & Reconciliation

"What would Reconciliation look like at St. Anne's?"

This question began our journey of learning and growing as a community. Our initiatives have included:

Care for the Earth

Hike with us. Garden with us.  Participate in a Forest Eucharist. Walk with us in climate demonstrations. Join us as we plan our next art exhibition on the theme of Creation, Environmental Stewardship and Caring for the Earth. 

Neighbourhood Engagement

St. Anne's is a Neighbourhood Church and, as a national historic site and centre for the arts, a church for the whole city. We engage the neighbourhood with the intention that our local community will know that we care about their interests and needs, and know that St. Anne's is committed to the wellbeing of everyone who lives and works in the extended community and communities found within our geographic parish.


We invite you to get involved in how we engage in the local community. St. Anne's partnerships include:


Get involved by serving in St. Anne's worship services. Your participation is invited in the following ways:


We have an intercessary prayer group that prays: people who commit to pray daily for those for whom prayers have been requested.


In many organizations, there is the challenge of encouraging people to take up leadership roles. Leadership does mean responsibility and a time commitment, but it is very rewarding. Get involved in ways that interest you, and in aspects of our church were we are especially asking for assistance. As you get to know the community, you may find that you are ready. We welcome and encourage your growth into a leadership role at St. Anne's.