Your support of St. Anne's through your donations helps us to be the church that serves God and the community. We believe God wants a church that cares unselfishly for the good of all. That's the church we strive to be - in Sunday morning worship and through a full calendar of opportunities to learn, experience the arts, and engage the world of nature. We are committed to serving and caring for those in need. Our ministry team is here for you and always ready to encourage you.
Canada Helps
If you would like to make an immediate gift through Canada Helps:
Click the link here.
Scan the QR Code using your phone.
Canada Helps also provides an option for monthly donations.
Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR)
If you are interested in making a regular gift, the best way is through an automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account or charge to your credit card.
Once set up, PAR can be changed or cancelled at any time by notifying the Parish Administrator. Please download and complete the PAR form and submit it by mail, email, or drop it off in person.
Thanks to the generosity of one of our benefactors, you can increase your monthly PAR or Canada Helps donation by a minimum 10% and have your increase matched! And, if you do not currently give monthly through Canada Helps or PAR, you can sign-up today and increase your envelope giving by 10% and your generous donation will be matched as well. Additionally, those who are ad hoc envelope or Canada Helps givers will have their increased donations matched 1.5 times if they sign-up for monthly donations. For more information, email David Garde, our treasurer. We appreciate your support of our shared ministries!
Offerings During Worship
While many of our community members already support the church through PAR or Canada Helps, we pass a basket if people wish to donate that way.
If you're not comfortable placing your gift in the basket, you are welcome to place your offering in the box at any point before, during or immediately following the worship service. All contents are removed after the service concludes.
Mail-in Offerings
You are also welcome to send your donation by mail. While we encourage you to donate online, we understand some of you may feel more comfortable sending your cheque donation to us by mail. Please mail your donation to St. Anne's Anglican Church, 276 Gladstone Ave, Toronto, ON M6J 3L6.
Legacy gifts and Bequests
When you remember St. Anne's in your will, or provide larger gifts such as stock, you help our church to make big decisions about how we will worship and serve the community well into the future.
For more information, please contact our treasurer.
Thank You for Your Support!
Your participation and interest, your energy and your prayers matter most of all. For those who are not able to give financially, there is no pressure at all. We want you to know we're glad you're here.
Give your time, energy, and involvement: Your presence makes everything more vibrant and alive. Get involved in our community through roles on the worship schedule, volunteering at the Community Dinner, serving on the Refugee Committee, and many more.
Contact the Pastor if you would like to have a conversation about ways to get involved at St. Anne's.