Your First Worship Service
Your First Worship Service
What should I wear?
Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. You’ll find people dressed in many different styles at St. Anne’s, from jeans and t-shirts to shirts and ties.
What happens when I arrive?
A member of our Welcome Team will greet you and give you a bulletin with the details of the service. Feel free to ask any questions you might have.
Where do I sit?
You may sit anywhere in the church, wherever you feel most comfortable. We find that the sound quality is best the closer you are to the altar.
How do I participate?
We provide a worship leaflet which has all of the prayers and music for the service. You can join in responding with the prayers in bold and by singing the hymns.
Do my children stay with me?
Your children may stay with you or they may play at our Children's Table with a specially trained Children's Host.
How will I know what to do?
You might be wondering when to kneel, sit, stand, or say “Amen.” Just relax and follow what others are doing. You may see people bowing or crossing themselves at certain times, but this is a personal choice. Do what feels comfortable for you.
Do I have to put money in the collection plate?
Making a financial contribution is completely voluntary. We welcome a financial offering during the worship service to support our ongoing mission and ministry. If you would like to contribute, you can use one of the envelopes for visitors you’ll find in your pew and place your offering into either the plate that is passed around or in the donation box. You can also make a donation by using our debit-credit card machine or by giving online by visiting our Canada Helps.
Can I receive Holy Communion? What do I do?
You are welcome to receive communion at St. Anne's. You are also welcome to come forward for a blessing. If you prefer, you may also choose to stay in your seat during this part of the service. It’s up to you.
When it’s time for communion, a member of the Welcome Team will stand in the centre aisle and direct people to go forward to the altar, row by row. Follow those ahead of you to the front of the church.
The priest will place the communion wafer in your palm for you to eat. If you prefer a gluten-free wafer, please ask the priest. Additionally, you may partake of the cup when the minister comes to you. Simply help guide the minister's hand as they administer to you the cupt.
If you have mobility concerns and would like communion brought to your seat, please confirm this with the Welcome Team.
What happens after the service?
We encourage you to greet your friends and fellow worshipers outdoors after you leave the building. We would love to get to know you.