Season of Spiritual Renewal

Season of Spiritual Renewal

As the Diocese of Toronto embarks together on a season in which we’ll focus on spiritual renewal across our large and diverse Diocese, we’d like to share some ways we’re inviting our parishes to participate in four of the Christian disciplines strongly associated with renewal.

1. Prayer:We want to encourage widespread prayer across the Diocese – for individuals and church communities, on Sundays and in other meetings – so we begin this season focused on listening to and talking with God. This is why we’re sharing our first resource of prayers with you. To read about ways we can intentionally raise the profile of prayer in our churches, please visit the Season of Spiritual Renewal pages on the diocesan website.

2. Scripture: We recognize the need for the study of scripture to be a part of our daily lives. For suggestions on encouraging this, please visit the Season of Spiritual Renewal pages.

3. Worship:We desire everyone in the Diocese to have a renewed joy and desire to engage in the worship of the Living Triune God. For ideas on worship, check out the Season of Spiritual Renewal pages.

4. Discipleship and Evangelism:We want everyone to be confident in sharing their story of faith. You can visit the Season of Spiritual Renewal pages for ideas.