Art Exhibits Photo Album
In this photo album, you will find photos of art exhibits held at St. Anne's.
Mirabilia - Arts Week for St. Anne's 150 Anniversary
Opening of Mirabilia - balcony view.
Months in advance - testing out art installations in church with one of the "Quadriga" horses.
Months in advance - the idea for art in crypt came during our photography workshop.
MacGregor Park Art Club creates the Storytelling Stage installation.
Artist Mary Catherine Newcomb weaves the wheat field installation.
First Eucharist of Mirabilia: Sunday School banner of "God is the First Artist".
St. Anne's Choir in the wheat field installation.
MacGregor Park Art Club storytellers: Gary van der Meer, Kristen Fahrig, and Kiersten Tough.
Kirsten Fahrig, director of the MacGregor Park Art Club, tells her story in the St. Anne's crypt.
"Quadriga" in the Crypt.
Crypt window installation - a vision of hell, with a small moving camera in the foreground - John Dickson's "Diptych".
Map of the NeverMind art installations.
10 Commandments in Glass at the entrance to the church.
One commandment on each layer of glass.
"Hannah's Cabinet", an olfactory installation by Reinhard Reitzenstein. The items displayed represent her many causes.
On the way up to the balcony - a vision for John Dickson's "Diptych".
Video feed of hell - John Dickson's Diptych.
Video feed of heaven installation - John Dickson's "Diptych".
From the Balcony: A full crowd on Sunday for the opening of the art installations.
Rural Ontario in St. Anne's.
Artists Max Streicher and Garnet Willis present "Tree Organ".
"Tree Organ" plays Bach.
Gold Busts at the steps.
Catherine Heard, the artist, maintains the votives.
Juxtaposition: Art & Art.
The tent, Lyla Rae's "Sanctuary", is a mystery, floating just above the pews with an invitation to slide along the seat to get inside.
Inside "Sanctuary", a three dimensional echo of the stained glass.
Jesus Fan Pic: Sylvia Udale-Clough points out the writing on "The Story" by Greg Hefford.
"Greg, your story touch my heart, Jesus".
Mercy benches in front of the altar, by Tom Dean.
The Junction Trio: "Forgotten Souncscapes of the Group of Seven".
Full house for "The Maze" - a movie of the life and art of William Kurelek. Presented by Workman Arts with special guests.
Full house for the Pax Christi Chorale concert that closed the Mirabilia festival.
St. Anne's: Art in conversation with Art.
Paddling Together